Community Information

SNOW REMOVAL POLICY: Snow will be removed from driveways, private roadways and sidewalks at one inch of snow or above. All snow removal will be accomplished in a timely manner as weather conditions permit. Snow will not be removed from driveways or parking areas where vehicles are parked. Snow will be removed in the following order: private roadways first, driveways second, sidewalks third. Sterling Hills THA follows City of Lincoln regulations for parking during snow emergencies and vehicles are subject to towing if parked on private roadways. Please remove all items and yard ornaments from the front stoop, driveway and sidewalk areas. The snow removal crews will not be able to see these when they are buried in snow.

PARKING: The Association supports and encourages homeowners to use their driveways and garages for parking of their vehicles. It is up to all home owners to be respectful of their neighbors when it comes to parking. The “No Parking” and “24 Hour Parking” areas are subject to towing at owners expense.

REFUSE PICK-UP AND RECYCLING: Palmer Refuse service is twice a week on Monday and Thursday. Palmer Refuse offers free recycling. Pick up day for this service is on Thursday. If you are interested in recycling, call Palmer Refuse (402-474-6814), mention you are with Sterling Hills Townhome Association and request the service and a free 18 gallon tote. 65 gallon totes will also be provided by Palmer Refuse for recycling at a cost of $12.00 a year. Palmer invoices the homeowner directly for this cost.

REFUSE CONTAINER STORAGE: The THA Board of Directors suggests storing refuse and recycling containers in the garage until pick-up day in order to prevent refuse from spreading over the property grounds and losing containers.

HOLIDAY REFUSE PICK-UP: Refuse pick-up is on Monday and Thursday. There will be no pick up of refuse on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year if the days fall on Monday or Thursday.

DUES: Dues are presently $65.00 a month and are due the first day of the month. The THA no longer invoices monthly for dues, however will send statements and past due notices to members who are late with payment.